Baba Hamono

Baba Hamono, also known as Baba Cutlery Works Co., Ltd., is a prestigious cutlery maker situated in Sakai, Japan. Established in 1969, the company’s roots are deeply embedded in Sakai’s 600-year-old tradition of Japanese knife forging. Baba Hamono offers a variety of products, including Japanese and Western knives, sharpening whetstones, and cutting boards. The Kagekiyo series, known for its vibrant and distinctly Japanese “lustre red” finish made with traditional Japanese Kiso lacquerware, is one of their notable product lines.

Baba Hamono’s guiding principle is to show the highest respect for food and to bring the sharpness nurtured in Sakai to modern kitchens. They also offer services such as resharpening, which restores the original sharpness, and repair of chipped and broken blades.