About us

Welcome to KnivesCombined.com, a site created to assist knife shoppers in two ways:

  1. Avoiding Misleading Brands: The site puts a spotlight on authentic kitchen knives. We hope to help users steer clear of purchasing kitchen knives from deceptive brands. For instance, some claim to be “Japanese-style” or made of Japanese steel, but are actually rebranded OEM knives of poor quality that are not originated from Japan.

  2. Finding Authentic Kitchen Knives: KnivesCombined simplifies the process of discovering authentic kitchen knives from reputable sellers. Visitors can find in-stock listings based on their location, which helps save on taxes and shipping fees.

How KnivesCombined Works:

  • The site aggregates knife listings from various online stores and marketplaces. Listings are categorized on availability and attributes like maker, brand, knife type, steel, and more to help shoppers navigate.
  • We do not handle transactions. When visitors express interest in a specific knife, they click on the provided links, which direct them to individual stores for purchasing.

Cost and Monetization:

  • Everything mentioned above operates on a free of charge basis. Our aim is to build out KnivesCombined’s content with mutual benefits to store owners and visitors.
  • For monetization, we participate in affiliate programs offered by Amazon, eBay, and two knife retailers. These programs provide a means for us to build, run, and maintain the software that powers KnivesCombined. We do not manipulate listings or buying options in favor of affiliated parties.


Click here if you are interested in what knives I own :)