Affiliate Disclosure

KnivesCombined participates in affiliate programs such as the Amazon Associates Program, eBay Partner Network, and similar programs offered by two knife retailers. These programs provide a means for us to build, run, and maintain the software that powers the site. KnivesCombined does not manipulate listings or buying options in favor of affiliated parties.

The mission of KnivesCombined is to help kitchen knife shoppers find authentic knives at the best prices. This means KnivesCombined try to index as many legit buying options as possible, regardless of potential affiliate commissions. This is demonstrated by the number of retailers - 50+ indexed on the site versus the number of affiliated parties.

KnivesCombined constantly works on helping visitors make a more informed buying decision. If you notice any specific listings missed from an already indexed store or would like to suggest new stores to index, please feel free to let me know. Indexing happens based on the below criteria:

  • The store is reputable and sells legit products
  • The owner is not against making an appearance here
  • KnivesCombined has the technical capabilities to index it
