Sakai Kikumori Shirogami #2 Santoku 180mm
Tags: Kawamura Hamono, Sakai Kikumori, Santoku, Shirogami #2
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SAKAI KIKUMORI Yasuki White Steel #2,GOKUJYO Professional WA Santoku 180 mm/7.1"
Ships from JapanDelivery date & cost shown at checkout
菊月 白ニ鋼 黒仕上げ 三徳包丁 180mm 朴柄
Seisuke Knife
Ships from Japan菊月 白ニ鋼 梨地 三徳包丁 180mm 朴柄
Seisuke Knife
Ships from Japan菊月 白ニ鋼 梨地 切付三徳包丁 180mm 朴柄
Seisuke Knife
Ships from Japan